Marie Taylor

(256) 765-4298
UNA Box 5050
117 Willingham
Assistant Professor of EnglishEmail:

Research and Teaching Fields: Early American Literature, Native American Literature, 17th and 18th Century Transatlantic Literature

Institution Degree Year
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN PhD, Early American Literature 2017
Georgetown University, Washington DC MA, English 2009
Bethel University, St. Paul, MN BA, English and French 2004

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters:

  • “The Sachem and the Minister: Questions, Answers, and Genre Formation in the New England Missionary Project” Early American Literature, vol. 55, no. 1, 2020, pp. 21-46.
  • “Recovering Indigenous Kinship: Community, Conversion, and the Digital Turn.” Afterlives of Indigenous Archives: Essays in Honor of The Occom Circle, edited by Gordon Henry Jr. and Ivy Schweitzer. University Press of New England, 2019, pp. 139-155.    
  • “Apostates in the Woods: Quakers, Praying Indians, and Circuits of Communication in Humphrey    Norton’s New-England’s Ensigne.Quakers, First Nations, and American Indians, edited by Geoffrey Plank and Ignacio Gallup-Diaz. Brill Book Series European Expansion and Indigenous Response,   2019, pp. 30-53.

Textbook Companions and Encyclopedia Entries:

  • “Book of Martyrs by John Foxe (Publication of),” “Founding of the Quakers” in Great Events in Religion: Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History. edited by Florin Curta and Andrew Holt. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO, 2016.
  • “Early Native Voices from the British Colonies.” Colonial Era to the 19th Century in American Literature, edited by Laura A. Leibman. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Researcher, 2016.

Works In Progress:

  • Book Manuscript: Diplomatic Conversions: Sachems, Missionaries, and Writing Religion in Colonial New England (Under provisional contract).
  • Scholarly Edition: “Tears of Repentance” and John Eliot’s “Indian Dialogues”: Indigenous Peoples and Missionaries in New England. Co-edited with Laura Stevens and Kristina Bross (Proposal is under review)

Courses Taught:

  • EN 221 : American Literature through Whitman
  • EN 611: Special Topics in Early American Literature